Saturday, December 31, 2011

New year's eve reflections

It's hard to believe another year has come to a close. Is 2011 really over? Time seems to be speeding up. And I am reminded how short and precious our time on this earth is. 

I generally don't do "resolutions" at the new year. Probably because they feel like just one more "to do". One more thing to feel like you're not doing well.  What I like to do instead is spend some time "visioning" what I hope to manifest in the year ahead.  And generally I like to do this in a really non-linear way - like a vision board. I plan to set aside time tomorrow with a pile of magazines, scissors and glue and see what my subconscious is yearning for in the coming year! 

For now I will say that I am grateful for my health, my sweet rescue dog, Zandia, my friends and family and my ongoing commitment to veganism.  I'm saddened and horrified by the regular investigations that uncover  unspeakable cruelty and squalor at major meat and dairy facilities. And I know that by eating vegan I am consciously choosing not to support this kind of inhumanity.  If you're looking for a resolution that will allow you to be healthier, more environmentally responsible and compassionate to animals then you should consider giving vegan a try!

The good news is that vegan diets are getting more and more attention for all the right reasons!  Check out this piece called “The Mainstreaming of Vegan Diets” in US News & World Report.  It begins, “nutritionists now believe that a well-thought-out vegan eating plan could be the most healthy way to live for most people.” Now, that's something to lean into in the new year!  And Mark Bittman just wrote a piece in the NY Times called “No Meat, No Dairy, No Problem.”  Absolutely!

So, as you reflect on the year that's about to slip away and imagine what's possible in 2012...I hope you think big! I hope you find a way to live the life of your dreams - one that has purpose and meaning and is aligned with your values. And one that tries to make the world a better place.  After all, isn't that really why we're here?  

Wishing you a truly wonderful 2012!


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